5.8. Use a Prometheus Exporter to Monitor a Generic Database

Prometheus Exporters serve as vital tools for monitoring various systems and services, offering valuable insights into their performance and health. Speedgain for Databases provides a flexible integration feature allowing any Prometheus Exporter to be incorporated as a "Generic DB." With this integration, performance data can be dynamically displayed on the "Generic DB - Overview" dashboard within Speedgain.

In this guide, we’ll outline the general steps for integrating a Prometheus Exporter into Speedgain as a "Generic DB."

5.8.1. Prerequisites

  • Access to the Prometheus Exporter metrics endpoint.

  • Basic knowledge of Linux terminal commands.

  • Docker installed on your system (optional but recommended for easy setup).

5.8.2. Step 1: Installation

  1. Ensure that the Prometheus Exporter you wish to integrate is running and exposing metrics via its endpoint.

5.8.3. Step 2: Configuration

  1. No specific configuration is required within the Prometheus Exporter itself for integration with Speedgain.

5.8.4. Step 3: Setting Up a Remote Node in the Speedgain Configuration

  1. Access the Speedgain configuration interface using your admin credentials and navigate to the Nodes tab.

  2. If necessary, create a new remote node by clicking on the "+" symbol located at the bottom left corner.

  3. Provide an appropriate display name and input the hostname or IP address of the server where the Prometheus Exporter is running. Optionally, configure additional fields. For the port meant for OS monitoring, set it to 22. Select the operating system type for the remote system.

  4. Save the configuration.

5.8.5. Step 4: Setting Up a Database in the Speedgain Configuration

  1. In the Speedgain configuration interface, go to the databases tab.

  2. Click on the "+" symbol at the bottom left to create a new database configuration.

  3. Select "Generic DB" as the DBMS.

  4. Choose the remote node created in Step 3.

  5. Enter the metrics endpoint URL of the Prometheus Exporter in the metrics path field.

  6. No need to input login or SSL information.

  7. Provide an appropriate display name.

  8. Select the appropriate monitoring policy.

  9. If you want to initiate monitoring immediately, check the enabled checkbox.

  10. Save the configuration.

5.8.6. Step 5: Start Analyzing Your Database

  1. Navigate to the Speedgain start page by clicking on the header link "ITGAIN Speedgain for Databases."

  2. Click on "Overview Dashboards" located in the top right corner.

  3. Select "Generic DB - Overview" from the options.

  4. Begin analyzing your database. Please note that it may take a few moments until the performance data becomes available.